Cultural Values

lion guardian statue

According to Chinese traditional belief, the lion is regarded as the king of the forests and of the other animals. It has thus long been used as a symbol of power, guardian, grandeur, courage, stability and superiority. It is even believed to offer protection from evil spirits. That is why imposing statues of lions were placed at the gates of imperial palaces, official residences, temples and tombs.

da tou wa waLion Dance: The crashing of the cymbals and the beating of the drums break the silence. It is the beginning of the Chinese Lion Dance ! The brightly colored lion bows and dances throughout the stage, while a playful big headed old uncle leads the way, teasing and taunting the lion.
The lion’s dance is performed to chase away ghosts and evil spirits, since the monsters, ghosts, evil spirits (symbol of misfortune) are afraid of loud noises. 

traditional chinese lion dance barongsaiLion dance usually performs its dance at business opening, to signify hope, prosperity into that business and drive away misfortunes. Not only in business opening, lion dance frequently performs in wedding party, birthday party, public events, etc. In Chinese new year, Lion dance performs its attractive, energic, harmonic, dexterous dance which complements families togetherness, happiness, and prayer for health, hope, happiness, success, and prosperity for the next year.

The lion’s every movement has a specific musical rhythm. The music follows the moves of the lion, the drum follows the lion, the cymbals and the gong follow the drum player. The cymbals, gong, and drum clash accompanying the lively dance. Throughout the performance, the Lion will mimic various moods and demonstrate similar physical gestures allowing the Lion to look life-like.

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The dance of a Lion is preformed by two performers, one at the head of the lion, one at the tail of the lion. The head of the lion is made out of papier mâché and the nearly constant twinkle and movement of the lion’s eyelids as well as the movement of the head and mouth are supposed to enhance the lion’s vitality and longevity, while the tail of the lion sweeps away bad fortune and unpleasant things from last year.

A shop, business (or household) being visited by the performers of the Lion Dance will have good luck in the year to come, it means luck, prosperity, and also may act as guardians along with symbolizing the unity of heaven and earth.

ksatria barongsai lion dragon dance troupe surabaya - Johnson Along Andreksatria barongsai lion dragon dance troupe surabaya - Alfandy Hao2 Daniel

While it becomes symbol for auspiciousness, lion dance has make its pace to modern era. It becomes popular type of entertainment and sport. What people frequently see as random dances actually requires teamwork, hardwork, and perseverance.  As a sport, lion dance has made itself communiy of lion dance academies, which taught students not only lion dance techniques, sport, and art, but also moral values.

ksatria barongsai lion dragon dance troupe surabayaksatria barongsai lion dragon dance troupe surabaya - Buddhist Festival